德尚水幕喷泉设备有限公司 Deshang Aqua Waterfall Fountains Co.,Ltd
2.5米宽2.7米高黑框透明玻璃上下灯 2.5 meters wide by 2.7 meters high black frame clear glass waterfall
座地式水幕墙 Floor Standing Waterfall
定制型水幕墙 Custom Waterfall
超高不飞水不溅水拉线水帘园林景观水景墙水幕墙拉线流水喷泉屏风 5米高
1.1米宽2.39米高古铜色边框磨砂玻璃水幕110cm wide by 239cm high bronze frame floor standing waterfall
300cm wide by 230cm high floor standing waterfall with 3pcs of clear glass
1meter wide by 2.2 meters high floor standing waterfall with art glass 风水水幕墙 1米宽 2.2米高
3米高1.5米宽双面流水水幕墙 3m high by 1.5m wide double sides waterfalls fountain water wall glass water wall water features
气泡墙 Bubbles Waterfall